After extensive international review process, Miao has now been promoted from the research fellow to the principal investigator at CIBR.
News can be found at t......Read more
Congratulations for Dr. Liu Juan in receiving the grant support from Beijing postdoctoral research program! Based on our current study, Juan proposed to further......Read more
The function of extracellular ATP has long been debating, due primary to the lack of sensitive tools to precisely characterize its dynamics in vivo. Recently, w......Read more
A great news! Chenyu is selected as the outstanding student cadre for the 2020 year in CIBR.
In the new semester opening ceremony, she was awarded with a letter......Read more
It is really a pleasure to hear that all three applicants from our lab has officially accepted the offer from CIBR PhD program!Pengwei will be in the Peking Un......Read more
We are happy to have new people join our group in the new year!Our first postdoc researcher, Dr. Liujuan will officially join the lab on May. Juan obtained he......Read more
We have our lab retreat at this weekend. Lucky to have all of you in the lab.......Read more
The Beijing Nova Program is supported by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, support the innovative basic and translational research in Bei......Read more
Although the ACh was the first identified neurotransmitter, its detail function and regulation in the complex nervous system is still a mystery. In collaboratio......Read more
The website of Jing lab is now open for visit! We are eager to have a deeper understanding of our brains, especially how cells in the brain communciate with eac......Read more